About Us

How We Got Started

The Menopause Evolution, brought to you by The Menopause Group CIC, came about as a result of a seedling idea about how simple it could be to help people in the community learn about their own biology, particularly those assigned female at birth.

There is a lost generation of people who have never received a lesson on their basic monthly hormone cycle and how it impacts their health; physically and mentally; their entire lives. 

Our Vision

Everyone needs to learn about menstruation to menopause. Our aim is to design a menstrual health educational support system for communities across Birmingham.

Bringing together people who menstruate to learn about a physiological shift that impacts them monthly and over age, is an empowering experience for those involved. We know firsthand how hard it is to talk about periods and menopause for many. Once they have a safe space to open up; it helps them connect with each other; be more understanding; reduce personal anxieties; and learn how to take the next best step to help themselves and each other.

Our Mission

We plan to go beyond individual support and create a community led team of people who can continue to educate and support others, free at point of need.

To do this we will train others to do what we do. Community members who have been to our existing sessions can request to join our training program to provide ongoing support to menstruators moving through menopause and to widen the number of people reached. These menstrual and menopause health educators will be called Menopause Mentors.

Why learn with us?

We are qualified educators, with years of experience in the healthcare sector and holistic therapy industry.

We are passionate about delivering relevant and meaningful knowledge from which you can make informed choices. 

Helping you to help others

Our approach is practical and effective. Our learning materials are designed to support menstruators of all ages, taking menstrual health education to the next level.

Meet the Team

Our team may be small but it’s mighty powerful.

Maria Riley


Fiona Catchpowle

Menopause Doula.

Fay Kite

Menopause Doula

Chloe Catchpowle

Digital Resources

Thanks to Our Funders and Associates